Monday, August 10, 2009

Cute little love stories - 4 On the House

'Could you send for the cook please.'

'Why sir is something the matter' she asked with an air of concern

'Yes something is, how is that she always manages to blow my mind with her cooking'

She blushed a sheepish smile 'maybe she likes the patronage sir bestows on her'

'You know i did have a request though'

'Something else sir would like?'

'There's this dessert of hers, she calls it lips, its just out of the world, the moment they touch my lips, its like delicious strawberry mixed itself with the eclectic cosmos to deliver an unmatchable stunner....could I have one of those'

She wrapped her arms around his neck 'Oh sir, I just heard from the manager and he said, for such fine patrons like you, its on the house tonight, these lips, all for you, as much as you want......'


Anonymous said...

oooh :P i bet she recieved a lot more than a tip tht night..hehe.
sahi hai.

Americanising Desi said...

i have an attack.

Those moments when your mouth was inches from mine. Those moments when our hands brushed against each other, only for a second. Those moments when you said exactly what I needed to hear at that time. Those moments when our passion swallowed all of my doubt. Those moments when we crossed the line with each other.

Those are the moments that I think about on nights like these.

Nandini said...

Cute :)

siras said...

Awwwwwwwwww, cuteness :D

normaltusker said...

that's a cute one!!! :) specifically, "She wrapped her arms around his neck 'Oh sir, I just heard from the manager and he said, for such fine patrons like you, its on the house tonight, these lips, all for you, as much as you want......' " loved this!!! :)

Sparkling said...


What did I miss here?

Pesto Sauce said...

To have desserts like this I am ready to overeat

Pri said...

now thats one 'HAWT' desert..kinda an oxymoron isnt it? ;)

Srushti Rao said...

Awww that is just soooo cute... amazing and romantic... *deep sigh*

Kadri Luik said...

Sweet! =)

sonali said...

that was so romantic, 10/10
i was a bit busy with my post gradution studies, anywas will b posting soon!

Mrinalini said...

well well, and now the scene in my head is buzzing with ideas :)
great stuff!

sanely insane said...

@Ivy...the thing with fiction, unlike life, it stops the moment i stop writing :P..but am sure somewhere someone did :)

@AD... :)

@Nandini :)

@Siras :)

@Sparkling what did u miss?

@Pesto Sauce...subah jogging bhi jaana padta hai :P

@J ...ooh u havent read spicing up then :)

@Pri...oxymorons are always nice

@Srushti...yeah i kno..i sighed after writing lived inside fiction isn't same as life lived

@Kadri :)

@Sonali :)

@Mrinalini...he he am glad to be off assistance :)