Monday, June 8, 2009

A cute little love story

My boss recounted this yesterday about a friend of friend.

So this chap was once sitting in a library and so deeply engrossed that by the time he looked up the library had shuttered down, with him inside it (and this is the pre cell-phone era we are talking about).

So he did what he could do, walk around in the library where he saw another person, 'she' too had been afflicted by the 'too engrossed to notice' syndrome.

So the two of them spent the night inside chatting....

...and a few months down the line they were married

so really...fairy tale romances do happen


Anonymous said...


Americanising Desi said...

that is motivating!

thanks for guiding me here!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Really? Aww. :)

Luscious Sealed Lips said...

Every Love story has something fairy tale-ish about it. But they do not come with the guarantee of 'happily ever after'. :)


Pesto Sauce said...

Will have to visit a library soon

CLUELESS said...

woohoo...this story was..."cute" and "little and lovely..

Anonymous said...

Awww dat was soo cute... Hope they had a happily ever after :)

Anonymous said...

Awww dat was soo cute... Hope they had a happily ever after :)

Sophia Ali said...

Well, I'm dashing off to a library next...and I'll make sure, I forget my cellphone at home..heheh...

Lonely Perverted Soul said...

Nice story... So there is hope in this world...

sanely insane said...

@Ivy :) :) pleasure

@Ki...yeah sweet it is isnt it...left me amazed when i hrd it too :)

@LSL...nothing in life comes with a guarantee... :P

@Pesto...the question is the British Council or the American one

@Clueless...yes :)

@JstThinkinLoud...i hope so too..i hope so for everyone

@Sophia...carrying a choc in the pocket wud be a gud idea though

@Pvsoul...yes there is :) somebody told me "every baby that is born is god's message to us, that he still has some hope from us" :P

Keshi said...

well that does give me some hope lol!

cute story :)


- Sugar Cube - said...


Wonder if I could find someone at library too :P

Xeb said...

I wonder if romances only happened in pre-cell phone/internet eras? :P

sanely insane said...

@Keshi...a lot of hope goes will a lil dope :P

@Sugar-Cube...he he my friend met his wife on a bus ride from pune to bombay!!!

@Xeb...hey no boss's cousin met his wife when they were with KLM...she's having a baby now...and u shud hear them talk...sounds like two teenagers...

love is what keeps this world alive :)

gypsy said...

well, they do..

havent you found some on the blogville of late? it is full of it :)

guess we dont need a library anymore...

sanely insane said...

@Gypsy...yeah i've heard of atleast two love stories from blogville

mine ended in a tragedy though :P

Winnie the poohi said...

this gives hope isnt it?

Sparkling said...

Where is this library, I need the address? :)

I wanna hope :)

Mrinalini said...

awwww!! am just stocking up on all that i missed and u have some treats hidden here! :)lovely story, and yes, H O P E is what is :)

gone! said...

Ha! I am glad that the guy wasn't blamed for sexual harrassment by the girl's family/girl and the Taliban didn't accuse the girl of any of their moron-ish crimes! :)

It was sweet.

Anonymous said...


siras said...

OMG! This was cuteness beyond cuteness! =D

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

Its inspiring.. :-)

Wish it could really happen :-)

Anonymous said...

its good to hear such things !

Just telling it like it is said...

I'm not sure I believe in marriage> that is just a long time to commit!!

sanely insane said...

don't think of marriage the way the world defines it for u...when u define marriage ureself its only then u'll start understanding and believing it :)