Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mortal Kombat

I like movies, for one somewhere when you are busy enjoying them there comes a one odd scene or a dialogue u remember for long...like those panchatantra stories

Well this one's from Mortal Kombat...says...face your fears

No matter how much we run from them buggers...they always seem to catch up...worse the later we try facing them...the stronger they seem to get and the older we become...

So then...temme...what are your fears you've been running from


Sparkling said...

I fear I may say too much ;p

Luscious Sealed Lips said...

I am not too sure of mine, but definitely curious as to what made you write this post. Does not just sound like Mortal Kombat to me.


sanely insane said...

I wish i feared speaking too much...saala i always end up saying more than i shud :P

I am too...not sure what...something trigerred the thought of that movie in my mind...cant put a finger to it

Pavitra said...

I am scared of tons of things...

Cant help it :(

aria said...

I have faced many of them ..
now the greatest fear is dying alone and lonely..

Aarwen said...

You know sometimes fear is good. Being fearless can be tricky.

sanely insane said...

@Pavitra Ghosts are fun...

dark cockroaches are scary i agree...dunno abt light cockroaches :P

@Aria...then u and i share a fear

@Aarwen...fear expresses itself in two..ways..one that makes us cautious..the other that leaves us stupified...immobile...the latter is bad